لعبة سباق السيارات الشهيرة Need for speed Porsche Unleashed
بروابط مباشرة Cheats
NOTE: These are the main Need for Speed: Porsche Unleashed cheats that
are usually applied by pressing down the right key combination. Please
find the instructions on how to use these cheats below.
To use these cheat codes, goto the main menu and click "Create Player"
and type in the cheat for the name. Click "Done" (you'll hear a little
confirmation sound). Then choose your regular profile and play the game!
Gulliver - The Porsches are all shrunk down to the size of RC cars.
Smash Up - Smash-up derby mode in multiplayer
Dakar - Tired of Street Racing? Changes car physics and tracks to Rally
Fuzzyfuz - Enables cops in quick race (not on all tracks: i.e.-Monaco).
yraGyraG - Enables all cars to have 993 physics.
fetherw8 - This cheat code makes cars way heavier.
freewill - Double speed in single player mode.
NOTE: As their name suggests hints are not exactly Need for Speed:
Porsche Unleashed cheats, and are usually just simple (but very useful)
tips on how you can unlock secret level, features, find hidden areas and
such. Hopefully these will make playing Need for Speed: Porsche
Unleashed even more entertaining.
Buying cars
When you want to buy a car but you do not have enough money, do not wait
until you win enough for the purchase. You will not be able to get
enough money to buy the good cars until the next era. For example, the
Moby Dick car is $450,000 on the market in the 70s, but will be sold
broken for over $2,000,000 on the used menu. The 365s in the 50's sell
for between $11,000 to $13,000, but will be priced broken for over
$100,000. When you are short of cash, buy the used cars, fix them up,
then sell them for more. Collect money until you have enough to buy a
new car.
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part 1
[ندعوك للتسجيل في المنتدى أو التعريف بنفسك لمعاينة هذا الرابط]part 2
[ندعوك للتسجيل في المنتدى أو التعريف بنفسك لمعاينة هذا الرابط]part 3
[ندعوك للتسجيل في المنتدى أو التعريف بنفسك لمعاينة هذا الرابط]part 4
[ندعوك للتسجيل في المنتدى أو التعريف بنفسك لمعاينة هذا الرابط] __________________